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Title: Final report on EL 25505 Marqua for period 15 March 2007 to 11 March 2010
Title Holder / Company: Ausquest
Report id: CR2010-0010
Tenure: EL25505
Year: 2010
Author: Sherington, M
Boxer, G
Abstract: EL 25505 was granted on 15 March 2007. The tenement covers a potential iron oxide - copper - gold target revealed in coincident gravity/magnetics anomalies in NTGS geophysical data and follow up gravity data collected by Ausquest in October 2007. The aeromagnetic coverage of the 1983 Huckitta East NTGS survey (500 m line separation) showed a near coincident magnetic anomaly centred slightly west of the gravity anomaly. A ground gravity survey was carried out in 2007 and comprised the collection of 154 stations over a 500 m grid. Soil sampling was then carried out over the gravity and magnetic anomaly comprising the collection of 70 -210 mesh soils samples from a depth of 15 cm. These samples were collected at 100 m centres along a north-south line 3.35 km long, and an east-west line 3.6 km long in the north central portion of EL 25505. Results indicate that there is little to no anomalous geochemical response in the soils which may be due to a possible transported sample medium. The soil sampling techniques used for testing the coincident gravity magnetic target in the northern portion of EL 25505 did not prove conclusive in determining the geochemical response of bedrock. No anomalous values were returned from the soil sampling programme. No outcropping phosphate host rocks were located in field mapping. It was decided to relinquish the EL.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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