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Title: Relinquishment report for EL 25685 Randall Peak, December 2009
Title Holder / Company: Tianda Resources
Report id: CR2009-0996
Tenure: EL25685
Year: 2009
Abstract: The Randall Peak (EL 25685) project is located about 60 kilometres north east of Alice Springs on The Gardens station. It is accessible via the Stuart Highway and a network of unsealed roads and station tracks. The geology of the tenement area is dominated by Proterozoic Mulga Creek Granite Gniess, with some muscovite schist and granites in the southeastern corner. Immediately to the north of the area ranges comprised of Heavitree Quartzite and other metamorphosed sediments. These rocks host the Winneckie goldfield and numerous other minor mineral occurrences mostly for gold, copper and lead. Field investigations during the 2008 reporting period were aimed at locating the source of several large radiometric anomalies which were apparent from the NT Government geophysical survey. These anomalies were located adjacent to major east west structures in the north and east of the tenement area. Portions of the tenement in the north and west and underlain by Mulga Creek gneiss do not appear to have any significant radiometric response and have been recommended for relinquishment as part of the required reduction at the end of the second year of tenure. No field work was carried out during the 2009 reporting period due to protracted joint venture negotiations. These have been resolved and work is expected to be continued in the 2010 field season.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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