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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 25627 Waite River for the period 18 July 2007 to 17 July 2009
Title Holder / Company: Dynasty Metals Australia
Report id: CR2009-0935
Tenure: EL25627
Year: 2009
Author: Mendoza, A
Abstract: This report summarises work completed on the relinquished portions of the tenement EL 25627 during the Period of 18 July 2007 to 17 July 2009. During this time work has included a review of historical work, searching for publicly available geophysical data, and evaluation for Uranium potential. The relinquished portions of the tenements represent areas which are interpreted as least prospective for Uranium.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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