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Title: Independent geological report on Australian (and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonian) mineral assets
Title Holder / Company: Genesis Resources
Report id: CR2009-0839
Tenure: EL24814;  EL24839;  EL25238;  EL24817
Year: 2009
Abstract: This report is to be included in a prospectus to be prepared in connection with the proposed admission of Genesis Resources Limited to the Australian Securities Exchange. GES holds seven exploration licences or exploration permits for mining that are granted in the Northern Territory and Queensland, Australia and the right to acquire an interest in the two licences over the Plavica Project in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The total tenement holding is over 1,877km2. The projects are at the exploration stage and have yielded significant surface mineralisation and geophysical anomalies from the initial exploration. No JORC compliant reserves or resources have been defined on the licences. All projects are considered to be sufficiently prospective, subject to varying degrees of exploration risk, to warrant further exploration and assessment of their economic potential. We are of the opinion that GES has satisfactorily and clearly defined exploration and expenditure programs which are reasonable, having regard to the stated objectives of the company and sufficient exploration work has taken place to justify the budgeted exploration and expenditure. All budgeted expenditure tables in this Report are based on Genesis raising the minimum subscription of $3 million pursuant to the prospectus only.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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