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Title: Second annual report for EL 25735 Old Mount Peake Project, 22 October 2008 to 21 October 2009
Title Holder / Company: Jarra Resources
Report id: CR2009-0814
Tenure: EL25735
Year: 2009
Author: Jewson, R
Crotty, G
Jarra Resources
Abstract: EL 25735 was granted to Jarra Resources Ltd on behalf of Aurium Resources Ltd (AGU) on 22nd October 2007. The EL consists of 316 sub-blocks of approximately 1010.00 square kilometres. Aurium Resources Limited is the operator of the licence. The lease is considered to have very good exploration potential due to the following: The geological setting is a suitable host to uranium and base metal mineralization being at the centre of the Arunta Region; Aeromagnetic data show a complex terrain with several major structural boundaries and many significant structures; The tenement geophysics show good radiometric responses, indicating a good likelihood of uranium being present; Previous exploration geochemistry emphasizes the occurrence of anomalous gold, base metals, uranium, molybdenum and tungsten. Exploration work conducted to date on the Old Mount Peake Project includes: Airborne Geophysics Survey by GPX; Geological Mapping Data compilation; and Interpretation of Airborne geophysical anomalies. Magnetics (TMI) indicate scattered and strong responses in the central and southern part of the tenement, particularly in the upland areas. Radiometric data show a stronger response in the central and eastern parts of the tenement (near Ti-Tree and Mt Rennie Prospects) and dominantly have a northeast trend. The NTGS public airborne geophysical data show that there are anomalies and trends present, although the data is at 400m spacing. The recent GPX survey produced a clearer and better defined result than seen before. These data are still being evaluated to define target areas.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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