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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 26145 for the period 25 January 2008 to 24 October 2009
Title Holder / Company: Truscott Mining
Report id: CR2009-0787
Tenure: EL26145
Year: 2009
Author: Henderson, I
Abstract: This report details exploration undertaken over the area of 50% 3rd year compulsory drop off for EL 26145 for the period from 25th January 2008 and 24th October 2009. Exploration carried out on the drop off area EL26145 included compilation of geophysical data sets. The anomalous responses located within EL 26145 are interpreted to correspond directly to a window within the Laingang Formation and directly onto the Goobaieri Formation. The window of Goobaieri Formations may be close to the basement. The presence of Whitewater Volcanic units which are Lower Proterozoic ages may be a source of uranium or alternatively a host for remobilised uranium mineralisation. No areas of anomalous values for U, Th and K fall within the areas for the 50% drop off.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL26145_2009_P.pdf877.4 kBPDF Add
CR2009-0787_EL26145_Appendix.zip35.48 kBUnknown Add
CR2009-0787_EL26145_Figures.zip926.51 kBUnknown Add

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