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Title: 1971 Reports on Harts Range AP's, Russgar Minerals
Title Holder / Company: Russgar Minerals
Report id: CR1971-0199
Tenure: AP2768;  AP2434;  AP2450;  AP2580;  AP2703;  AP2705
Year: 1971
Author: Nielsen, KI
Abstract: Geological mapping has been carried out during the month, particularly in the Virginia Prospect are a near Mount Riddock, at the end of the month cupriferious rock had been traced over a length of at least three (3) miles. One exploratory inclined tunnel into the Virginia Prospect had Seen completed at 20 feet and a second one had reached 9 feet by the end of the month. The base map for the Virginia area is being compiled from enlarged aerial photographs. The geologist who bas been mapping in the Harts Range is returning to Sydney and assessment and plotting of the geological information will proceed in December. During November Mr Peter Woyzbun and myself spent several days inspecting the Harts Range prospect. Receipt of the draft maps of the aeromagnetic survey has commenced, but interpretation is being delayed by the geophysical contractor's failure to complete the contouring. At the end of the month only one of the nine sheets of magnetic contours had been received and these were only in preliminary form, and some time will elapse before the final contour maps of all the area are available for interpretation . From the maps received the area is quite a complex one and the complexity of the job is obviously the reason for the delays. The spectrometer tapes have been received by Mr Peter Woyzbun and these have not revealed any major anomalies due to uranium. The examination of these tapes will be used to assist any geological correlation of rock types. In the period from the 31st May 1971, the exploration in the company's Harts Range Area, Northern Territory was continued with emphasis an the Oonagalabi Copper-Zinc Prospect. The detailed alidade and plane table geological mapping commenced in May 1971 has been completed and copper, zinc and minor lead mineralisation occurs over a strike length of 8,000 feet, over 6,500 feet continuously with intermittent barren surface zones in the remaining 3,500 feet with width varying from some tens of feet to 700 feet. A survey of access track bulldozing and grading bulldozer costeaning and down-hole-hammer drilling was undertaken and completed. On the 1st July 1971 with a total of 2,103 feat drilled in 14 vertical holes (deepest hole 295 feet) and some 1,400 linear feet of costeaning.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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