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Title: Annual report for period 3 June 2008 to 2 June 2009 EL 26478 Western Creek
Title Holder / Company: Toro Energy
Report id: CR2009-0380
Tenure: EL26478
Year: 2009
Author: Rawlings, D
Sullivan, C
Abstract: This first Annual Technical Report for the Western Creek Project covers work carried out during the twelve month period from 3rd June 2008 to 2nd June 2009. Exploration activities during the period have involved: An historical data review comprising acquisition and assessment of all available open file reports and data; Field exploration activities conducted by Toro Energy on this tenement during the reporting period comprise only reconnaissance foot traverses. No samples were collected and analysed; and Native Title negotiations have also been initiated with the Central Land Council. Toro are actively seeking an Exploration Agreement be in place prior to any ground disturbing work.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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