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Title: Seventh annual report for EL 10404, Rum Jungle for the period ended 20 May 2009
Title Holder / Company: Uranium West
Rum Jungle Uranium
Report id: CR2009-0338
Tenure: EL10404
Year: 2009
Author: Rollings, N
Abstract: During the seventh year of tenure fieldwork was expanded to further ground radiometric prospecting with a scintillometer, collection of rock chip and soil samples, and a ground gravity survey. Work has confirmed the tenement has little prospect for uranium. Nickel and PGE mineralisation potential continues to be the focus of exploration activities although potential for these metals has also been downgraded.The best rock chip sample from a radioactive pegmatite produced 3380ppm U, 1040ppm Th and 3750ppm Nb.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL10404_2009_A.pdf1.47 MBPDF Add
CR2009-0338_Appendix1_Geochem.zip26.4 kBZIP Add
CR2009-0338_Appendix2_Ground_Gravity.zip672.36 kBZIP Add

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