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Title: Timber Creek ERL 25981 re-vegetation visit December 2008
Title Holder / Company: Orogenic Exploration
Report id: CR2008-1036
Tenure: ERL25981
Year: 2008
Author: Cooper, S
Abstract: Early in December 2008, a visit was made to the Timber Creek 01 Kimberlite pipe site within ERL 25981, for the purpose of re-vegetating the site. This visit was made by consulting geologist Steven Cooper (Melbourne), and field hand Glenn Cawdrey (Darwin). Single night accommodation was at Timber Creek. A large number of small tube stock were planted, and native grass seed spread over the disturbed area at Timber Creek 01 kimberlite site. While some plants will not survive, it is hoped the heavy rains preceding the planting, and subsequent minor rains will help their survival.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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