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Title: Sixth annual report for EL 23483 Mount Judith, 23 December 2007 to 22 December 2008 and final report 23 December 2002 to 22 December 2008
Title Holder / Company: Deep Yellow
Report id: CR2008-1000
Tenure: EL23483
Year: 2008
Author: Menzies, J
Abstract: Exploration Licence 23483 was granted to Tanami Exploration NL (TENL) on 23 December 2002 and was acquired by Deep Yellow Limited (DYL) during 2006. TENL identified the potential for Proterozoic hosted gold mineralisation in the basement rocks of the Napperby area. EL 23483 lies in Central Australia approximately 200 kilometres north-northeast of Alice Springs. From 2002 to 2006 Tanami Exploration NL carried out reconnaissance of the area which comprised of visiting key geological locations, mineral occurrences and sites of anomalism identified by previous explorers. Surface geochemical sampling was completed and eleven rock-chip samples were taken from previously relinquished portions of EL 23483. Results were reported in the 2008 Relinquishment Report (Rohde). A desktop study was also completed by TENL comprising an Arunta-wide bedrock geological interpretation and geophysical targeting exercise which identified previously recognised gold anomalism coincident with magnetic targets (Jombwe, 2003) Two reconnaissance fieldtrips were completed by DYL, to assess the potential of palaeochannel hosted uranium deposits. On inspection of the tenement, the northwest tending drainage was classed as having low prospectivity for palaeochannel style uranium deposits due to the large amount of outcrop present. After completion of the two field trips, the tenement was evaluated and allowed to expire at the end of the sixth year of term.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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