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Title: Total relinquishment report on a Mount Drummond Project
Title Holder / Company: Genesis Resources
Report id: CR2009-0085
Tenure: EL24840
Year: 2009
Author: Kastellorizos, P
Abstract: This report describes the results of literature research and target generation based on re-interpretation of magnetic/radiometric data carried out during the first year of the Licence. From 1983-1984 the A.D.E Joint Venture undertook a loam and gravel sampling survey within Exploration Licence 4374 with a view to locating possible kimberlite pipes. The work carried out as part of a larger regional program. Ten micro-diamonds and one macro-diamond were identified from 44 samples taken. The presence of diamonds within the area was regarded as encouraging. During the second year of tenure (from 1984 to 1985), Ashton Mining carried out an airborne remote sensing using thematic mapper technique to enhance or distinguish between a possible kimberlite body and its surrounding overburden of undifferentiated Cainozoic sand and black soil, minor Lower Cretaceous sediments. Initial interpretation of data collected from the airborne magnetic survey was completed and potential targets areas defined for ground follow up. Thirteen lowest, eight low and three medium classified thematic targets were outlined over the current tenure area. CRA Exploration Pty Ltd conducted diamond exploration over the tenure area in from 1990 to 1991, with the region considered potential to host diamondiferous diatremes. Helicopter supported reconnaissance density drainage gravel sampling was completed with positive results of two diamonds, three macro-diamonds and one chromite. Landsat Thematic Mapper data were analysed and airphotos were examined for discrete targets possibly indicative kimberlite intrusions. Eleven -80 mesh stream sediment samples were taken in the north western portion of the area during reconnaissance drainage gravel sampling to test the Exploration Licence prospectivity for base metals and precious metals. Moderately anomalous gold results up to 75.3 ppb and 21.4 ppb Au in two samples draining from the Carrara Range Inlier were followed up with 11 -80 mesh stream sediment samples, 3 -30 mesh BLEG and three rock chip samples. In 1991, CRA Exploration Pty Ltd explored the western portion of the current tenure area under the historical EL6571 with the view of exploring for diamonds, base-metals and precious elements. During the first year of tenure, reconnaissance drainage gravel sampling, stream sediment sampling, BLEG and rock chip samples were collected in the northern western portion of the current tenement area. Two micro-diamonds were recovered from the 16 reconnaissance gravel samples. Anomalous gold up to 300 ppb was reported in reconnaissance -80# stream sediment samples from two creeks within the Exploration Licence. Detailed follow up work failed to repeat or enhance the results.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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