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Title: Calvert Hills Project GR038 EL's 22351, 23116, 25617, 26175, 26176, 26177 Final Report for the period 3 March 2003 to 1 December 2008
Title Holder / Company: Legend International Holdings
Report id: CR2008-0975
Tenure: EL22351;  EL23116;  EL25617;  EL26175;  EL26176;  EL26177
Year: 2009
Author: White, B
Raza, A
Abstract: This report describes the exploration activities conducted over tenements that form part of the Calvert Hills Project between the 3rd of March, 2003, and the 1st of December, 2008. Literature reviews, data compilations and target generation was conducted as part of an exploration programme for the Calvert Hills Project. Stream sampling was conducted with heavy mineral analysis to detect diamonds and diamond indicator minerals. The Calvert Hills Project remains a major focus of exploration for Legend International Holdings to locate and develop diamond resources in the Northern Territory. Detailed literature reviews and stream sampling indicated that tenements listed in this report display little potential to host diamond bearing rocks. The region remains prospective and exploration in the Calvert Hills Project is now focused on those tenements with a higher potential to host diamonds. The tenements listed in this report remain a low priority for exploration across the Calvert Hills Project due to the lack of indicator minerals recovered and the interpretation of the geological setting that suggests little potential for this area to host diamond bearing rocks. The tenements were therefore recommended for surrender, and relinquished on the 1st of December, 2008.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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