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Title: Annual report (final report) for EL 25871, period ending 30 October 2008
Title Holder / Company: Sandstone Uranium
Report id: CR2008-0899
Tenure: EL25871
Year: 2008
Abstract: Sandstone Uranium Pty Ltd is exploring the Northern Territory for uranium mineralization over four tenements (EL's 25872, 25871, 25921 and 25924). This report summarises exploration activities undertaken in 2008 on EL 25871. The tenement is located 40km NNW of the Barkley homestead (Pastoral lease) and around 150km east of Tennent Creek. The geological setting is the Georgina Basin, a Cambrian sedimentary basin comprising limestones and sandstones. Desk studies and research on previous exploration resulted in Sandstone Uranium Pty Ltd focusing is exploration on EL 25872. No fieldwork was undertaken on EL 25871 in 2008.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL25871_2008_AS_02_Location_and_Regional_Geology.pdf542.88 kBPDF Add

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