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Title: Annual report for EL 25983, for the year ending 5 December 2008
Title Holder / Company: South Boulder Mines
Report id: CR2008-0860
Tenure: EL25983
Year: 2008
Author: Hughes, DL
Abstract: The Mt Guide licence (E L25983) was granted on 6 December 2007 for a period of six years. The tenements were purchased from Bralich Holdings Pty Ltd in September 2008 as part of a tenement package comprising EL 25982, EL 25983 and EL 26380. Exploration work consisted of data compilation of historic work, data review and conceptual evaluation. No on ground field work was conducted during the period except for a small field visit. The target commodities explored for were phosphate, base metals and manganese.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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