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Title: Combined annual report for EL 25089, EL 25094 and EL 25143, Georgina Basin Project
Title Holder / Company: Mincor Resources
Mincor Zinc
Report id: CR2008-0723
Tenure: EL25089;  EL25090;  EL25091;  EL25092;  EL25093;  EL25094;  EL25143
Year: 2008
Author: Groenewald, PB
Abstract: The tenements currently comprising the Georgina Basin Project are EL 25089 to EL 25094 and EL 25143. The Annual Reporting period for these tenements is 2 October to 1 October and reports are due by 2 November each year. No fieldwork was completed during the 2007 reporting period due to lengthy Native Title access negotiations that were only included in September. Data studies, a review by CSA consultants and studies of selected drill core at the NTGS core library in Alice Springs were completed. Discussions commenced with the PMD-CRC group with a view to carrying out numerical modelling of basin fluid flow as part of the 2008 program to better define stratigraphic drill targets.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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