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Title: Annual and final surrender report for EL 25644 Winnecke for the period 20 September 2007 to 19 September 2008
Title Holder / Company: Sammy Resources
Report id: CR2008-0710
Tenure: EL25644
Year: 2008
Author: Miles, G
Abstract: A field trip was undertaken to ground truth some of the historic gold and copper mines and mineral occurrences which are recorded in the NTGS mineral occurrence database, in the neighbouring tenement EL 25641 and adjacent to the boundary with EL 25644. These mines and occurrences could not be located. Further, no mineralised vein or shear structures were observed in the tenement. The field reconnaissance trip did not provide sufficient encouragement to continue exploration on the tenement. Therefore the tenement has been recommended for surrender.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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