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Title: Year 1 surrender report for EL 26122 Wiso
Title Holder / Company: Bralich Holdings
Report id: CR2008-0653
Tenure: EL26122
Year: 2008
Author: O'Farrell, D
Abstract: This Technical Report documents the 2008 exploration program conducted at the Wiso prospect by Bralich Holdings Pty Ltd. Bralich is the tenement owner and operator. During the year, Bralich formed an agreement with Central Phosphate Limited, an unlisted company that was acquiring assets with phosphate potential. However due to the downturn in markets during the September - October 2008 period, the proposed sale of EL 26122 into Central Phosphate was cancelled. The tenement was subsequently reviewed in light of the current markets and a decision was made by Bralich to relinquish the lease.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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