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Title: Monthly reports on AP 1721 Winnecke, 1969 to 1972
Title Holder / Company: Central Pacific Minerals
Report id: CR1972-0124
Tenure: AP1721
Year: 1972
Author: Ivanac, JF
Hill, JH
Abstract: The Winnecke Authority to Prospect 1721 was reconoitred during August with the object of reassessing the area. The reassessment was considered necessary after percussion drilling at the Gheko Prospect (earlier in the year) has intersected sulphide mineralisation ranging up to 7.8% zinc over five feet. Altogether nine days were spent on a reconnaissance of the Winnecke AP, but a major vehicle-breakdown about midway through the investigation resulted in a week away from the area, and necessitated some duplicate traversing. Most of the AP was reconnoitred, the only part not visited was the central eastern portion, south west of Mt Laughlen.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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