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Title: Annual report on EL 25685 Randall Peak
Title Holder / Company: Tianda Resources
Report id: CR2008-0586
Tenure: EL25685
Year: 2008
Author: Jenkins, D
Poynton, C
Abstract: Investigation of airborne radiometric data revealed some outstanding anomalies just within the tenement's northern boundary. Though the geological environment appeared unprospective for the usual uranium deposit models, the magnitude of the geophysical response justified some ground investigation. Seven samples were taken beneath flight line anomalies in the north of the tenement. When assayed by ICP-MS, these gave very modest uranium values, ranging from less than 1ppm up to 8ppm. The thorium assays were, however, often extraordinary. One sample in particular returned 267ppm thorium, along with 620ppm Ce and 340ppm La. This corresponded to about 0.2% monazite content, even though a complete leach of these elements was unlikely with a three acid digest. ASTER imagery was obtained for the tenement after the field trip was completed. Examination of mixes of these data revealed a probable alteration zone in the south of the tenement, in schists adjacent to a large fault. Though the uranium assays for this tenement are low, there are encouraging traces of a thorium and rare earth mineralisation that are worthy of follow-up. At the same time, the alteration zone delineated in the south of the tenement should be visited, sampled and mapped.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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