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Title: Year 1 annual technical report for EL 25723 Alroy
Title Holder / Company: Uranium Oil and Gas
Report id: CR2008-0571
Tenure: EL25723
Year: 2008
Author: O'Farrell, D
Abstract: This Annual Technical Report documents the 2007/2008 exploration program conducted at the Alroy Creek prospect (EL 25723) by Uranium Oil & Gas (UOG). UOG has an agreement with the tenement holder Bralich Holdings Pty Ltd whereby it can earn 70% by spending the minimum of 2 years expenditure. UOG is the tenement operator. The Alroy prospect is located in the Central Georgina Basin 550 km NNE of Alice Springs NT. There has been little exploration in the area apart from a number of phosphate prospects near Wonarah 130 km to the ESE. There are no known mines or resources established in the immediate area. UOG's first year activities included literature research, field reconnaissance, soil sampling, rock chip sampling, ground checking a 7km long radiometric palaeochannel, GIS database, APAA site survey and drafting. Results to date have only shown slight encouragment. UOG plans to drill test the soil anomaly during 2009.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL25723_2008_A_01.pdf440.44 kBPDF Add
EL25723_2008_A_02_Rockchip_Assays.txt389 BText Add
EL25723_2008_A_03_Soil_Assays.txt3.24 kBText Add

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