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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 23390, 22 April 2003 to 21 April 2008
Title Holder / Company: Quantum Resources
Report id: CR2008-0561
Tenure: EL23390
Year: 2008
Author: McGoldrick, G
Ashcroft, C
Abstract: Exploration work carried out over the relinquished blocks of EL 23390 during the reporting period included compilation of open file information, review of acquired exploration data, and designing a future exploration program for the retained area. During the 2005-2006 reporting year open file exploration data were obtained from the NT Geological Survey. Topographic and geological maps at a scale of 1:250,000 were acquired in raster format as a base for plotting the data. Stacked magnetic profiles of the first vertical derivative of the residual magnetics were processed from the located data and imported into Mapinfo. Images of total magnetic intensity and vertical derivatives were supplied by the NTGS. The images have assisted in structural interpretation and assessment for gold or base metal mineralisation. This analysis identified the northwest trending structure that runs through the centre of the tenement similar to the one previously identified elsewhere in the Tanami Gold project at EL 23383. It is considered that this structure may have played a leading role in mineralization of base metal and gold deposits. Radiometric data packages were acquired and enhanced in order to help pick further targets. The presence of high levels of potassium in rocks may indicate hydrothermal alteration. The presence of uranium anomalies may also be of interest. Both Uranium and Potassium anomalies were identified over the Tomahawk Sandstone and the granite in the south of the tenement. A helicopter supported field visit was conducted during the 2005-2006 reporting year. However no samples were collected from the relinquished area. Previous work and open file data was re-visited during the second half of the reporting year following the resignation of the exploration manager. A review of Open File Data, regional geology and geophysics has led to propose exploration activities specified in a mining management plan (MMP). An application for authorisation of this MMP was submitted to the department on the 22nd of May 2007. The plan was subsequently granted on the 2nd August 2007 that has necessitated to revise this plan as a large portion of the proposed area for drilling and sampling has now been relinquished. The planned exploration was to cover 2 areas of the tenement. However, so that the required reduction could occur it was decided to focus only on the NW trending zone through the middle of the tenement and thus the blocks surrendered as part of the relinquishment are those outside of this zone.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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