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Title: Exploration reports for AP 2324 Yuendumu, 1969 to 1971
Title Holder / Company: Australian Development
Report id: CR1971-0177
Tenure: AP2324
Year: 1971
Author: Roach, LF
Abstract: 15/01/1971 - Assay results from a broad regional geochemical survey of the area revealed no obvious anomalies of elements analysed for. 02/10/1970 - A field trip to the AP was made by a Geologist and 3 field assistants. Several magnetic anomalies were found in the field, profiles of these were run, and particular attention was given to the geology around these anomalies. The assessment of the data gained and a recommendation as to further airborne surveys will be possible after discussion with our geophysical associates. At least 3 of the anomalies appear to be of further interest on the basis of geology. All major areas of outcrop were visited and recorded on the map. Mineralisation occurs in several areas in layered sequences of variable grade metamorphic rocks. 31/07/1970 - A reconnaissance field trip was made to the area by two geologists and two field assistants. A small programme of stream sediment sampling was carried out and outcrop in the area was visted and mapped. Old mines in the area were visited and mode of occurance of mineralisation noted. It is thought that the area possible contains extensions and repititions of known mineralised zones. The area consists mainly of granitic intrusions and foliated sediments. The granites themselves are of interest and , in at least one area, give rise to a scintillometer anomaly.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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