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Title: Reports on AP 2265, 1970 to 1971
Title Holder / Company: DA, Chisholm
Report id: CR1971-0174
Tenure: AP2265
Year: 1971
Author: Chisholm, DA
Abstract: April to May 1970 - We have carried out further ground prospecting on the lease when we found traces of copper. Samples taken to the assay office were tested. They showed traces of copper, they also were tested for silver & nickel, we thought there was a possibility of these minerals being present. The results were negative. We intend to carry out more ground prospecting in this area on the eastern side. Owing to the fact that 6' rain fell in mid April it has only been possible to get back to work in mid May. I will advise further when there is anything further to report. We have had two people on the job prospecting. 29/10/1970 - During DA Chisholms absence we have been doing further work to ascertain the alluvial deposits on the creeks and investigating work in the region of the White Angel trace tin. Traces of alluvial tin are being discovered along the creeks. Three people have been engaged in prospecting for the current month. 01/12/1971 - Nothing of any great commercial value discovered. Small rich outcrops of reef tin found on the AP but no leads to a larger deposit. Applied for Governent aided drilling assistance.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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