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Title: 1973 Report for Exploration Licence 797
Title Holder / Company: Neptide Mineral Exploration
Report id: CR1973-0276
Tenure: EL797
Year: 1973
Author: Vitosky, J
Abstract: Further to your letter on 14 May 1973 i advise of the following; Samples have been taken from explored country in the Exploration licence and sent to the Melbourne office for determination. As soon as these are done you will be advised of the results. Two men have been working full-time using 2 four wheel drive vehicles and have been prospecting this area most intensively, covering an area of approximately 60 sq miles. The weight of the samples to-date has been approximately 100lbs.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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