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Title: Reports on AP 1724 Claraville
Title Holder / Company: Central Pacific Minerals
Report id: CR1970-0106
Tenure: AP1724
Year: 1970
Author: Ransom, DM
Abstract: This document contains several monthly progress reports and a draft version of the final report which contains editorial notes. AP 1724 is near Claraville 70 miles NW of Alice Springs in the vicinity of White Range and Arltunga gold mines. Zinc up to 2200 ppm was reported from an iron manganese capping on the Bitter Springs Formation. Other limestone outcrops were found to be anomalous in copper, particularly where quartz veins are present. Alluvial and unencumbered hard-rock gold prospects were examined and found to be too small. An IP study was done over the mineralised zone at White Range, but no sulphides could be interpreted. It was recommended that the area be surrendered.
Date Added: 24-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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