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Title: Second annual report on EL 24355 Utopia, year ending 24 March 2007
Title Holder / Company: Imperial Granite and Minerals
Report id: CR2007-0573
Tenure: EL24355
Year: 2007
Author: Benger, JW
Abstract: Results to date were very encouraging. The area is considered highly prospective for Tantalum, Wolfram, Molybdenum and Tin. The area contains intensive widespread pegmatite intrusion which has never been systematically sampled. Initial results indicate the possible potential for a large low grade polymetallic deposit of the aforementioned minerals. Access to the area of interest is very good, being located immediately adjacent to the Sandover Highway north east of Alice Springs.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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