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Title: Fifth annual and final technical report for EL 10409, 10 October 2006 to 9 October 2007, Whirlwind Diamond Project
Title Holder / Company: Orogenic Exploration
Tawana Resources
Report id: CR2007-0493
Tenure: EL10409
Year: 2007
Author: Cooper, SA
Abstract: Evaluation of the work by previous diamond explores have shown that there is considerable extent of diamondiferous gravels in Whirlwind Plains. It is expected that some of the Whirlwind Plains diamonds are sourced from the Timber Creek kimberlites which are 30 kilometres upstream, but additional bulk sampling nearly 100 kilometres upstream along the Victoria River has shown that other sources have provided diamonds into the Victoria River drainage. This is significant as it will result in a broader population of diamonds with possible good diamond values. Also, traditionally diamonds from an alluvial source tend to have higher values due to mechanical sorting. It appears that detailed gravity will outline likely gravel location and thickness on which to plan further testing by drilling and trenching. It is apparent from drilling and trenching by previous explorers that the bedrock below the alluvial is uneven, and this provides good opportunities for large scale trapping of diamonds. In September 2004 the heavy mineral sample ENC-11 was collected from an alluvial gravel pit on Whirlwind Plain near gravity traverse 4000. No kimberlite zircons were analysed. The age of the zircon grains range from middle Cretaceous to Archaean. The significance is this study highlights and constrains previously unrecognised igneous activity beneath the VRB. Attempts were made to organise a more systematic gravity survey to in-fill and extend the areas currently surveyed. But continued delays in obtaining geophysical contracts resulted in the no field work being completed during the 2007 dry season. By the end of the reporting period, Tawana Resources NL had decided to concentrate exploration activities on their South African projects which are considered further advanced, and the cost and availability of contractors is not a large issue.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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