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Title: Group annual report for the period 12 September 2006 to 11 September 2007, Amadeus Project and Finke Sub Project
Title Holder / Company: Nova Energy
Report id: CR2007-0482
Tenure: EL25050;  EL25051;  EL25052
Year: 2007
Author: Robinson, PF
Abstract: The report area comprises 3 granted exploration licence located in the Amadeus Basin area, approximately 150km south of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. This first group annual report describes activities conducted for the period 20th September 2006 to 19th September 2007. Exploration activities during the period have involved acquisition of all available data including digital landsat photography and interpretation of this data. This was followed by a helicopter assisted geological reconnaissance and scintillometer prospecting. The results of this program have suggested that although much of the Finke Basin sediments within the project are lacustrine and do not contain suitable facies, the northern margin of the basin may contain more fluvial or deltaic facies which are prospective for sedimentary hosted redox facies related uranium mineralisation. Interpreted host rocks will be investigated initially by RAB drilling traverses to map and test redox boundaries in the sequence.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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