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Title: Relinquishment report for the block surrender on EL 24253 'Neutral Junction'
Title Holder / Company: MegaHindmarsh Resources
Report id: CR2007-0357
Tenure: EL24253
Year: 2007
Author: Price, G
Abstract: Exploration work conducted included an examination of existing geological data and the completion of two brief site visits. No further exploration work was completed within the nominated area before the block surrender. Geological work - Duration: 2 days Brief program of geological reconnaissance were conducted within the surrender area by field staff from MegaHindmarsh Resources Limited on two occasions between September and November 2006. Geophysical work - Duration: 3 days An examination of available geophysical datasets (magnetics and radiometrics) was conducted by staff from MegaHindmarsh Resources Limited and Hawke Geophysics (geophysics consultant to MegaHindmarsh). Geochemical work - No geochemical sampling was completed within the surrender area. Expenditure - Total expenditure for both office and exploration field work by Hindmarsh Resources within the area nominated for surrender was calculated to be $10,000.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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