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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 24024 'Stirling', for the period 24-05-2006 to 23-05-2007
Title Holder / Company: Goldstream Mining
Report id: CR2007-0320
Tenure: EL24024
Year: 2007
Author: Manzi, B
Lamb, B
Abstract: Exploration Licence 24024 'Stirling' is located approximately 150km south of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory on the Bonney Well (SF 53-02) and Barrow Creek (SF 53-06) 1:250,000 map sheet and the Crawford (5655), and Numagalong (5656), 1:100,000 map sheets. The Stuart Highway provides access to the region, and then station tracks continue northwest to the project area. EL24024 forms part of the Arunta Project that Continental is undertaking exploration on, in the southern extension of the Arunta Province. Exploration is aimed at uranium and magmatic intrusive related nickel-copper-platinum group mineralisation of the Voisey's Bay (Canada), Noril'sk (Russia) and Jinchuan (China) style. During Year 3 of the licence, Continental made a compulsory partial surrender to reduce EL24024. This report outlines exploration activities undertaken on the relinquished blocks during its tenure.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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