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Title: Final report for EL 24028
Title Holder / Company: Nea Kameni
Report id: CR2006-0668
Tenure: EL24028
Year: 2006
Author: Pooley, G
Abstract: The limited amount of work to date has shown that specific portions of the licence area have significant mineralisation. Dominant mineralisation in the area includes the occurrence of numerous barite veins which are generally thin and contain a number of deleterious elements. These veins have specific orientations and are believed to be part of a much larger zone of mineralisation. The barite was found to contain a number of exotic elements/minerals that are not compatible with the environmental criteria for drilling muds. The poor access to the tenement coupled with impure nature of the barite and the decline in the market has led to the exploration of this tenement being terminated at an early stage. It is with regret that the company had to relinquish this tenement and under different circumstances of access and specific nature of the barite exploration would have continued.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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