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Title: Annual and final report on EL 1267
Title Holder / Company: Otter Gold
Report id: CR1978-0194
Tenure: EL1267
Year: 1978
Author: Dunster, J
Abstract: Otter Gold NL applied for this EL on 22 April 1976. The title was granted 17 May 1978 for a period of only three months. It expired on 16 August 1978. The title was over the Canning Basin and Tanami Region in NT on the Pedestal Hills 100K sheet, The Granites 250K sheet. The title was applied for to follow-up radiometric anomalies in a BMR survey. Similar anomalies in WA were known to be associated with uranium mineralisation in the Killi Killi beds and Gardiner Sandstone. During May 1978, an aerial spectrometer survey was carried out over specific target areas. All anomalies (total count and/or uranium channel >1.5 times background) detected were checked on the ground. The anomalies noted in the BMR data could not be replicated. No data was supplied to the Department.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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