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Title: Year three and final report
Title Holder / Company: BHP Billiton Minerals
Report id: CR2006-0516
Tenure: SEL22767
Year: 2006
Abstract: During 2003 Falcon data was acquired over all of SEL 22767. The flying program also included coverage of other Exploration licenses controlled by Rio Tinto (and included in the Rio Tinto - Gravity Diamonds - DMA joint venture). During Year 2 of the licence, 16 Falcon anomalies were field inspected within SEL 22767 and sampled where appropriate. A total of 3 loams and 18 soil samples were collected. Additionally, 6 RC holes for a total of 222 metres were drilled to test 5 Falcon anomalies. Unfortunately, no kimberlites were discovered. During Year 3 of the licence, a comprehensive review of the diamond exploration data pertaining to the license area was undertaken. On the basis of this review a decision was made to hand the tenement back to Rio Tinto. The licence was handed back to Rio Tinto by Diamond Mines Australia in June 2006 and Rio Tinto subsequently handed it back to BHP Minerals who surrendered it on 20 September 2006.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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