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Title: Boundaries of areas relinquished at the end of year 3 of tenure for EL 23414 Worman Rocks, 26 June 2006
Title Holder / Company: Leaf Gold Exploration
Report id: CR2006-0397
Tenure: EL23414
Year: 2006
Author: Orridge, GR
Abstract: Exploration Licence 23414 was granted to Frankelfield for a six year term commencing 27 June 2003. It is located in the Haasts Bluff Aboriginal Reserve approximately 450 km west of Alice Springs. In June 2005 EL 23414 was reduced in area to 201 one minute square graticular blocks (631 sqkm). In June 2006 it was further reduced to 100 blocks. During the first year, exploration work was conducted by Tanami Gold NL under the terms of the Kintore Joint Venture. Tanami withdrew from the Joint Venture at the beginning of the second year.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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