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Title: Annual technical report for EL 10228 'Bluey's Project', 20 July 2005 to 19 July 2006
Title Holder / Company: Tennant Creek Gold
Report id: CR2006-0337
Tenure: EL10228
Year: 2006
Abstract: This report details work completed within Bluey's EL10228 for the year ended the 19 August 2006. Regional reconnaissance including rock chip sampling, outcrop inspections has delineated new multiple zone of intensely ferruginous (gossanous) bands upto 2m width. These are anomalous in zinc and cobalt. Further work is warranted. Additional work includes resampling the massive sulphide zones from previous drilling, and a reevaluation the earlier EM work conducted at Bluey's.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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