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Title: Report on EL 120 investigations on the portion surrendered in December 1973
Title Holder / Company: Noranda Australia
Report id: CR1974-0186
Tenure: EL120
Year: 1974
Author: Tucker, DC
Pietsch, GJH
Miezitis, Y
Wyntje, AJA
Dunlop, AC
Abstract: The results of exploration activities completed within the relinquished areas of EL 120 during 1972 and 1973 are summarised in this report. The relinquished portion comprises two irregular shaped areas. The areas are of low relief with occasional north easterly trending ridges, and mark the transition between coastal black soil plains to the north and dissected plateau country to the south. Most of the areas relinquished are concealed by extensive soil cover and are underlain by the Lower Proterozoic metasediments and intrusives of the Zamu Complex. Middle Proterozoic rocks have not been recorded in these areas. Exploration in the relinquished areas comprised ground investigation of eight airborne radiometric anomalies detected by Geophysical Resources Development Company in 1970 and by Geometries International Corporation in 1972. Ground investigations of airborne radiometric anomalies comprised surface geological mapping and geochemical sampling carried out in conjunction with systematic radiometric surveys.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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