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Title: Timber Creek Diamond Project Fourth Annual Report EL 10358 period ending 23 April 2006
Title Holder / Company: Orogenic Exploration
Tawana Resources
Report id: CR2006-0149
Tenure: EL10358
Year: 2006
Author: Cooper, SA
Abstract: The Timber Creek Project is located approximately 370 kilometres SSW of Darwin on the Auvergne 1:100,000 map sheet, over the five known Timber Creek Kimberlites sited approximately 10 kilometers south of the small township of Timber Creek. These kimberlites were discovered by De Beers during a sampling program over this area between 1991 and 1993. The Timber Creek project consists of Exploration Licence (EL 10358) covering an area of 6.6 square kilometers over these five known kimberlites. During the current period a large number of additional grain microprobe analysis has completed for previous heavy mineral samples, together with trace element data by laser ICP-MS. A detailed gravity survey and Digital Terrain Model have been completed over the Timber Creek 01 Kimberlite. This gravity data has been modelled by consulting geophysicist confirming that TC01 does have a negative gravity anomaly. Some of the Timber Creek diamonds were taken to Canada and nitrogen concentrations and aggregation states were examined by infrared spectra.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL10358_2006_A_02_Appendix1_Microprobe_Data.txt14.47 kBText Add
EL10358_2006_A_03_Appendix2_ICP-MS_Trace_Data.txt56.5 kBText Add
EL10358_2006_A_05_Appendix4_Topographic_Data.csv3.49 kBUnknown Add
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