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Title: Annual exploration report for the period, 15 October 2004 to 14 October 2005
Title Holder / Company: Astro Diamond Mines
Report id: CR2005-0537
Tenure: EL23409
Year: 2005
Author: Washburn, K
Bowyer, L
Abstract: Astro Diamond Mines NL (formerly Astro Mining NL) applied for EL 23409 on 2 October 2001, the tenement was granted on 15 October 2003 covering an area of 731.63 km2. Exploration carried out over the EL 23409 during the reporting period included GIS compilations, data reviews and target generation.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL23409_2005_A_01.pdf2.02 MBPDF Add
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