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Title: Fourth part annual and final report for EL 9717 and EL 9718, 28 April 2005 to 9 September 2005
Title Holder / Company: Tawana Resources
Report id: CR2005-0497
Tenure: EL9717;  EL9718
Year: 2005
Author: Cooper, SA
Marx, WT
Abstract: This report details exploration within Exploration Licence 9717 and 9718. These two licences are being explored together with Exploration Licence 10358 as the Timber Creek Project, by Tawana Resources NL. The Timber Creek Project is located approximately 370 kilometers SSW of Darwin on the Auvergne (4966) 1:100,000 map sheet. The five known Timber Creek Kimberlites (TC01 to TC05) are sited approximately 10 kilometers south of the township of Timber Creek. These kimberlites were discovered by De Beers and are currently within EL 10358.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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