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Title: Partial relinquishment report Flynn
Title Holder / Company: Newmont Australia
Report id: CR1991-0064
Tenure: EL6308
Year: 1991
Author: Kennedy, S
Abstract: 98 first pass BLEG soil samples outlined several low level gold anomalies but none were considered worthy of follow up. First pass rock chip sampling (26 samples) returned values at background or below detection. Three iron stone ridges (Quartz Ridge, Valley and Sleepy Hollow) were covered by a ground magnetic survey It was determined that the Valley Prospect magnetic anomaly appears to be a lithological contact of insufficient size to warrant follow up. Quartz Ridge is a quart vein hosted in lithic greywacke the quartz vein is intruded by a linear ironstone. The body is too small to warrant follow up. Sleepy Hollow is comprised of unusually iron rich sediments. The response is noisy and no further work was considered necessary.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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