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Title: First annual report on SEL 9699
Title Holder / Company: Agricola Gold
Report id: CR1998-0077
Tenure: SEL9699
Year: 1998
Abstract: Ground work was located in the vicinity of MCN 4277 which has now been nominated at the centre of the Watson Project. Grids have been established over the area for about 1 km north south. Extensive rock chip sampling and soil sampling has been carried out. A wild fire early in the season, the first for a number of years revealed a number of rock outcrops not mapped previously. These gave a number of promising assays up to 22 g/t. The burnt area also revealed an extensive anomaly between the quartz flow and the highest point on the strike ridge. A dozer was employed to lightly clear lines for RAB drilling and to give easier access to the whole project area.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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