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Title: Annual report for year 2, period ending 12-05-1990, EL 5858, NT
Title Holder / Company: Jerele Mining
Cordale Enterprise
Kingsgate Consolidated
Cordale Holdings
Report id: CR1990-0414
Tenure: EL5858
Year: 1990
Author: Ellyard, E
Abstract: 14 circular anomalies have been interpreted from the residual magnetic contours. All the anomalies are interpreted as having a discrete magnetic source suggesting an intrusive of epithermal-kimberlitic origin. The anomalies are located along a broad north south lineament in the western portion of the licence. Applicable models for mineralisation would be intrusive epithermal deposits within Proterozoic sediments or kimberlitic intrusives containing diamonds. 4 anomalies were investigated by ground geophysical surveys to depth and aerial extent. The modelling has been used to determine drill sites for the next years exploration.
Also refer to DME report CR90-413
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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