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Title: Annual report 29 August 1987 to 28 August 1989 Arltunga
Title Holder / Company: Ashwood, IM
Brown, KG
Putland, RJ
Report id: CR1990-0345
Tenure: EL4753
Year: 1989
Author: Stidolph, PA
Abstract: Initial examination by reconnaissance stream sampling. Followed up by geological mapping and rock chip sampling. Six anomalous gold areas located. Three originated from shear zones in the eastern end of the EL. Best grades are 27g-t over lode width. Conclusions are individual gold bearing shears are unlikely to exceed 50 metres in length and 1 metre in width. Untested at depth. Overall indications are that tonnage is small.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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