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Title: Annual report of ELs 6997 (Pulya Pulya Creek), 6998 (Bullhole Bore) and 7392 (Collings Range) in the Eastern Amadeus Basin
Title Holder / Company: Poseidon Exploration
Report id: CR1993-0784
Tenure: EL6997;  EL6998;  EL7392
Year: 1993
Author: Cozens, GJ
Abstract: The reconnaissance IP survey near Ringwood copper prospect outlined an anomaly which when drill tested proved to be carbonaceous black shale and siltstone. RAB drilling enhanced the prospectivity of Area 2 producing anomalous Cu, Co and Zn values (max 570ppm Cu 313ppm Co and 960ppm Zn).
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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