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Title: Report on relinquished portions ELs 5605, 5606, 5649, 5650, 5787, 5788 and 5877 McArthur River project area
Title Holder / Company: Quilpie
Top End Resources
Report id: CR1992-0626
Tenure: EL5605;  EL5606;  EL5649;  EL5650;  EL5787;  EL5788;  EL5877
Year: 1992
Author: Kwiecien, BS
Abstract: The following target areas were identified from field work carried out during the 1988-1989 field season and some were subject to follow up evaluations (1989). A three sheet 1:100,000 geological map compilation referred to in the report (5iii) shows the location of the following prospects. An airborne electromagnetics (EM) survey was planned to provide blanket coverage over the Mariner-Tawallah Belt. To limit costs, surveys were designed to cover only the most prospective areas, and at reconnaissance line spacings (2 or 1km). Airborne EM appeared well suited to the detection of large conductive sulphide bodies and their associated sulphide haloes in the terrain in which weathering is commonly shallow, graphitic bedrock conductors appear to be absent and saline ground-waters are uncommon. Furthermore, the capacity to penetrate shallow overburden and the extensive value of targets sought should permit effective reconnaissance usage of time-domain EM methods. The much delayed survey was finally flown by Aerodata during the second week of October 1991. Six hundred and seventy two (672) line kilometres of EM (and aeromagnetics) were flown over selected areas, as follows: Mariner-Tawallah, 672, 2km (1km through centre).
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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