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Title: Annual and final report EL 7252 Turkey bore, EL 7255 Bowson Valley, EL 7256 Ochre Hill, EL 7257 James Range and EL 7258 Mount Levi 1 March 1991 to 31 Janaury 1992
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1992-0213
Tenure: EL7252;  EL7255;  EL7256;  EL7257;  EL7258
Year: 1992
Author: Stewart, LF
Abstract: A drainage sampling survey was carried out to test the geochemistry of the Ordovician Larapinta Group. 1191 -80# and 117 -2mm stream sediment samples were collected. No significant geochemical anomalies were encountered on any of the tenements. Tenements were subsequently relinquished.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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