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Title: Relinquishment EL 6948, EL 6949 and EL 6957 to report to 10 April 1991.
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1991-0379
Tenure: EL6948;  EL6949;  EL6957
Year: 1991
Author: Agnew, PD
Abstract: An aeromagnetic survey was commissioned by CRA over the Eastern Amadeus Basin. Interpretation of this survey yielded six anomalies possibly related to diamondiferous diatremes. These anomalies were followed up by a helicopter borne magnetic survey and loam sampling and two ironstone samples were collected from anomaly GH47-3.
Loam sample returned one chromite of low interest. The ironstone samples underwent multielement analysis. There were no anomalous results. One anomaly GH48-2 was followed by ground magnetics and a single percussion drill hole. The ground magnetic survey showed a broad high with much surface noise. Drilling indicates that the anomaly is sourced by magnetic gravels at a depth of 30m. Analysis of BOH material showed no kimberlitic affinities. The area has been adequately tested for diamonds and base metals. There appears to be little potential.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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