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Title: Reports on AP 2652, Ringwood area, NT
Title Holder / Company: Kratos Exploration
Kratos Uranium
Report id: CR1971-0043
Tenure: AP2652
Year: 1970
Author: Stewart, JR
Abstract: Copper mineralisation was discovered sporadically over 4 to 5 miles along strike on Ringwood Station in 1954 by M Collins. The Mines Branch drilled two holes approximate 1 mile apart along stike in 1965-66. The best intercept was 10 feet at 2.25% Cu but core recovery was poor. Australian Geophysical explored in 1966-67 using surface geochemistry and IP. Zinc and lead anomalism was found. This, together with the previously know Cu occurrences, extended the area of interest to 8 miles, with mineralised beds occurring throughout the stratigraphic section. Two rotary percussion holes were drilled, the best intersection being 35 feet at 0.39% Pb. Kratos, under AP 2652, undertook geochemical grid sampling and diamond drilling in 1970 to test a Pb-Zn anomaly. The diamond holes were located too far west to test the facies of interest and no economic mineralisation was intersected. Further work is warranted.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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