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Title: Partial Relinquishment Report EL 7217 Kilgour year ending 10 January 1993.
Title Holder / Company: Mount Isa Mines
Report id: CR1993-0139
Tenure: EL7217
Year: 1993
Author: Kettlewell, DC
Abstract: 303 stream sediment samples were collected defining a number of low to moderate Cu-Pb-Zn-Au anomalies. The majority of which area associated with outcrops of Wollogorang Formation and Gold Creek Volcanics of the Mallapunyah Dome. Anomalism is scattered and does not warrant follow up. 5 rock chip samples were collected with values generally at background. One sample returned an assay of 8.8% Cu. This sample came from a shear zone and is deemed to have little potential.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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